Thursday, January 12, 2012

Gabriel Alegria, and my article about Afro-Peruvian jazz

Thought you might be interested in my recently published article about Afro-Peruvian jazz.

LINK.   It's on EZines.
As Featured On EzineArticles

Afro-Peruvian jazz is the "new kid on the block" of Latin jazz.  It's foundation is Afro-Peruvian traditional music and New York jazz.  If you want to know more about Afro-Peruvian traditional music, one source is our documentary A Zest for Life:  Afro-Peruvian Rhythms, a Source of Latin Jazz.  We also have a CD of the sound track.  We're in the process of placing the CD in Bay Area stores;  more on this when we've done it.

As for Afro-Peruvian jazz, currently the most famous musician and group leader is Gabriel Alegria.  He not only has a great combo but also a nightclub in New York called the Tutuma Social Club where he brings in all kinds of good performers.  Here's a LINK.

He goes back and forth between New York and Peru, so he doesn't lose his roots by spending too much time in the U.S..  He´s got a nice web site as well as a great group.  Check him out.

In addition, he played a concert in el Carmen, Peru, in 2009.  Now, el Carmen is one of the centers of Afro-Peruvian traditional music and he put a lot of that music into the concert, especially by using Huevito Lobaton on the quintessential Afro-Peruvian instrument, the cajita.  AND just to make the connection completely clear, there´s this number from the concert in which it starts and ends with Huevito playing the cajita while Gabriel Alegria plays the quijada de burro, another percussion instrument that Afro-Peruvians have given to the world.  Check out the video below.

OUR NEXT BLOG will be about our CD and our release party at la Peña (Berkeley, CA).

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